Okołooperacyjna ocena i opieka kardiologiczna u chorych poddawanych operacjom pozasercowym. Wytyczne 2007 American College of Cardiology i American Heart Association

opracowanie na podstawie: ACC/AHA 2007 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation and Care for Noncadiac Surgery. A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practive Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery)
Writing Committee members: L.A. Fleisher, Chair, J.A. Beckman, K.A. Brown, H. Calkins, E. Chaikof, K.E. Fleischmann, W.K. Freeman, J.B. Froehlich, E.K. Kasper, J.R. Kersten, B. Riegel, J.F. Robb
ACC/AHA Task Force members: S.C. Smith, Chair, A.K. Jacobs, C.D. Adams, J.L. Anderson, E.M. Antman, C.E. Buller, M.A. Creager, S.M. Ettinger, D.P. Faxon, V. Fuster, J.L. Halperin, L.F. Hiratzka, S.A. Hunt, B.W. Lytle, R. Nishimura, J.P. Ornato, R.L. Page, B. Riegel, L.G. Tarkington, C.W. Yancy
Circulation, 2007; 116: e418–e499. Epub 2007 Sep 27

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